Silicone Bongs & Dab Rigs
Silicone water pipes have gained a huge following in recent years. For decades glass pipes have dominated the smoking pipes market, but silicone bongs, pipes, and dab rigs have begun to overtake them. With the advancement of manufacturing techniques and the volume of pipes being made increasing, silicone water pipes' price has dropped significantly.
For durability, silicone can't be beaten. Unlike glass pipes and bongs, silicone will never break when you drop it. Silicone can be twisted, dropped, scratched, and washed many times over and will still be fully functioning. One drop can destroy a glass bong, but silicone bongs will bounce on the floor.
Long gone are the days when dabbing was a niche fad. With it coming more into mainstream attention, experts have worked around a plethora of ways to make your bong hits more memorable. One of them being the silicone bong.
Silicone Bong
Using a silicone bong is just like using a glass bong. Silicone is flexible, but it keeps its shape during use. Some silicone bongs also have a silicone down stem, while others have glass down stems. All of the bongs we sell have pyrex glass bowls that are removable and easy to clean. Most of the silicone water pipes we sell have a slide bowl that will act as a carburetor to help you clear the chamber while smoking.
Essentially constituted of earth elements silicon and oxygen, silicone is nature’s work of art. Its insanely high tolerance of temperatures and abrasions makes it a nature’s force to look out for. Humans being as dexterous as they are, have devised ways to use this to their benefit—the silicone bong.
Yes, you need not have to go through the arduous processes of acquiring bongs for limited periods of time, only for them to underperform and leave you wanting for more. With the silicone bong, you are most definitely going to get an authentic experience, without compromising on durability or longevity.
Silicone Dab Rig
If you like to keep your pipes clean, silicone is one of the best materials to aid you in this mission. One of the silicone's best properties is that it is non-stick. This means that your silicone dab rigs and nectar collectors will be much easier to clean after many dabbing seshes. Clumps of concentrate residue can literally be peeled off of the silicone. Even silicone pipes and bongs will be much easier to clean after prolonged use because they are dishwasher safe.
Pretty much any pipe that has been made of glass is now being made of silicone. The most popular are silicone hand pipes and bongs. Silicone bongs have gotten very intricate with their features. They now contain percolators that help to filter your smoke with water. Some of the percolators are even made of pyrex glass, making these more of a hybrid style of water pipe. Dab rigs and nectar collectors are now being made of silicone. For portability, you can't beat dabbing with silicone. No more worrying about a broken rig when going to a show, festival, or camping. More recently, silicone hammers, Sherlocks, and bubblers have hit the market. These are a newer adaptation of a traditional glass bubbler style, but with the obvious benefits of not breaking when you drop it.
For the dabbing connoisseur, there is some brilliant news. You can now acquire a dabbing rig that is core constructed out of silicone. This might sound rather elementary, but the advantages are rather manifold.
First, dabbing itself is a pretty meticulous procedure that requires greater temperatures to be obtained. With silicone dab rigs, you can do so with ease. You can now keep those days of burning your substance to ashes behind.
Second, dabbing requires placing a fair bit of pressure on your rig. Since you have taken interest in silicone dab rigs, you can rest assured of being able to obtain those sessions of dabbing with no effort at all. This durability is pretty underrated honestly, but once you shift to silicone dab rings, you are in for a great show.
There are obvious benefits to silicone. After all, there must be a reason why folks are flocking to it, right? Here are some of them.
Let’s get the most attributable property out of the way. Silicone is massively malleable, especially compared to the competition which is mostly glass. This helps the manufacturer to not only customize your rigs according to your whims but also ensures that your experience feels personal.
Pragmatically speaking, the chemical structure of silicone is such that it resists force, especially if used to break or damage it. The chemical bonds around it are indescribably strong—chemical bonds ensure greater durability. With silicone, breaking or damaging is the least of your concerns.
Surprisingly, with all this chemical firepower that silicone packs, it is surprisingly light and easy to manage. It being lightweight ensures that you have an easy experience with dabbing. After all, dabbing might require you to keep your rig here and there—something that silicone has no problem with.
What is Silicone?
Silicone is a synthetic polymer made of silicon, oxygen, and other carbon and hydrogen elements. Silicone is a flexible, rubber-like plastic and has several useful properties, such as low toxicity and high heat resistance.
Is it Safe to Smoke From?
One of the biggest questions about silicone is, “Is silicone safe to smoke out of?” The most important factor in this is buying quality silicone water pipes from a reputable online headshop. Here at Mile High Glass Pipes, we only sell lab-tested, high-quality smoking accessories. They will be able to handle heat up to 500+ degrees without any issues. We only sell silicone bongs with glass bowls to help protect you even further from the possibilities of overheating the silicone. With high-quality silicone dab rigs, you will not have to worry about the pipe melting, distorting, or emitting any nasty fumes.
If you like to keep your pipes clean, silicone is one of the best materials to aid you in this mission. One of the silicone's best properties is that it is non-stick. This means that your silicone dab rigs and nectar collectors will be much easier to clean after many dabbing seshes. Clumps of concentrate residue can literally be peeled off of the silicone. Even silicone waters pipes and dab rigs will be much easier to clean after prolonged use because they are dishwasher safe.
Pretty much any pipe that has been made of glass is now being made of silicone. Silicone bongs have gotten very intricate with their features. They now contain percolators that help to filter your smoke with water. Some of the percolators are even made of pyrex glass, making these more of a hybrid style of water pipe. Dab rigs and nectar collectors are now being made of silicone. For portability, you can't beat dabbing with silicone. No more worrying about a broken rig when going to a show, festival, or camping. More recently, silicone hammers, Sherlocks, and bubblers have hit the market. These are a newer adaptation of a traditional glass bubbler style, but with the obvious benefits of not breaking when you drop it.
Pyrex glass weed pipes tend to be priced based on the amount of work involved to make them. This also means that the more color glass work you have in a bong, the more the bong will cost. You can get bright-colored silicone with silicone bongs for the same price as a more plain color. If you like a tie-dye look, you can get that in a silicone bong for a reasonable price. Even glow-in-the-dark silicone is much cheaper than its counterpart made of glass. Silicone comes in literally every color and combination of colors you could imagine. To celebrate your favorite sports team, you can get a silicone water pipe made of their respective colors. The options are literally endless.
Using a Silicone Bong
Using a silicone bong is just like using a glass bong. Silicone is flexible, but it keeps its shape during use. Some silicone bongs also have a silicone down stem, while others have glass down stems. All of the bongs we sell have pyrex glass bowls that are removable and easy to clean. Most of the silicone water pipes we sell have a slide bowl that will act as a carburetor to help you clear the chamber while smoking.
Silicone Smoking Tools
Silicone smoking tools work like traditional glass, but they will never break when you drop them. Some of the pipes we sell have other options that you can't get on a traditional glass pipe. You can get a silicone pipe that won't break for a similar or lower price, has a built-in storage container, and a built-in cleaning tool. This is why silicone hand pipes have soared in popularity over the past few years.
How do You Clean Silicone Water Pipes?
This is yet another underrated advantage that silicone water pipes have, owing to their chemical property. Cleaning it itself would seem like an ASMR session, honestly speaking. Anyway, here is how you do it.
- Remove the glass and take out the select portion.
- Use a generous amount of silicone cleaner inside it. You can obviously use soap and warm water as an alternative.
- Wait for a few minutes.
- Scrub it thoroughly.
- Rinse thoroughly, and keep it dry.
If you like smoking flower silicone bubblers, they offer a much more smooth smoking sesh than a dry pipe does. Whether you choose a silicone hammer, sherlock, or another style bubbler, their function will help to ensure you can take deep hits of your favorite flowers. Silicone water pipes seem to be synonymous with traveling and the outdoors due to their almost indestructible nature. Silicone bubblers are the perfect travel water filtration smoking pipe because of their smaller size. Some of our silicone bubblers will even fit into a pocket.
With all of the benefits of silicone water pipes, it's no wonder more and more smokers are making the switch to silicone as their main smoking pipe.