Oil Vaporizers


      Oil Vaporizers are used to vape oily concentrates like distillate. The atomizers contain a tank that you fill with your extracts. Oil extracts come in many forms, from syringes to pre-filled vape cartridges. The number one used oil to fill an oil vape tank which is a distillate. It is an extremely thick oil that requires the correct equipment to properly vape. The vaporizers that we sell for oily concentrates are all specially designed to work with thicker oils, and you should have no issues with vaping distillates.

      Wick vs. Wickless Tanks

      The atomizer tanks come in two forms, wick, or wickless. The wicked version of an oil tank will have a wick made of cotton or silica in the center of the tank. The wick soaks up the oily concentrate and the atomizer functions somewhat like a candle.

      For thicker oils a wickless tank will function better, With the wickless version there is no wick, but the concentrates are heated by a plate in the atomizer. When using thick oils like distillate a wickless system tends to function better as the wick will “clog” with thick oils.

      Glass tank vs. Plastic Tank

      Cheaper model oil vapes and cartridges can be made with plastic tanks. They tend to also have a wicked system for vaping the extracts. Plastic tanks work but may impart a taste onto your oil when vaping. They are however a great choice for on the go, or disposable oil vaporizer systems. Plastic tanks with a wicked system are going to be best used with thinner oils, as a thick oil may clog the wicking system.

      Glass tanks are typically used on nicer vaporizers. The glass tank typically will be a wickless system with a heating plate. The nature of glass is that it is inert so no added flavor will be imparted onto your oils.

      Ceramic Cell Technology

      Newer vaporizers use ceramic cell technology. It works similarly to a wicked system except uses a ceramic rod instead of a cotton or silica material. For distillates ceramic cell is the most efficient way to vape. Ceramic cells also have more intake holes so more of your oily concentrates are soaked up. The ceramic can soak up so much oil that you get giant clouds when vaping.

      Intake holes in atomizer

      Oil pen vapes have different size intake holes. The thicker the oily concentrate the bigger the holes you want in your atomizer. Most standard oil concentrate vaporizers we sell will work well with distillates and the like. The hole size tends to be more of an issue when using e-juice, or CBD liquids.

      What oils can be used in your vaporizers?

      The number one oil that will be used in all of the vapes that we sell is a distillate. That being said, if you do not have distillate readily available it is possible to make your own oils out of things like shatter, crumble, sauce, etc... There are products on the market that you mix with thicker concentrates to make them into an oil that can be easily vaped in our oil vaporizers.

      For the homemade fanatic of oils, you can even use things like iso oils, and it is possible to use rosin in tanks as well. You may have to do some experimenting to get the proper thickness, but it is possible to be self-sufficient, and not have to rely on others for your oily concentrates.

      Oil Vape Warranty

      We only sell top of the line vaporizer products. All of the oil vapes we sell have manufacturer warranties of varying time frames. We stand by every vaporizer we sell, and if for any reason you have an issue with your vape you can contact one of our customer support staff, and we will make sure you are taken care of promptly.