Is Delta-8-THC Similar to CBD?

Cannabis and industrial hemp are among the main topics for some time now in the medical world. Because studies have been administered in this field more than ever, people are starting to get new information about numerous cannabinoids found in these plants.

We’re all familiar with delta-9-THC as it’s the single most famous cannabinoid. However, what caught everyone’s attention recently is delta-8-THC. Although they have several differences, many people regard these two cannabinoids as the same thing.

Furthermore, delta-8 is more similar to CBD than delta-9, so some people have a hard time finding the differences between these two cannabinoids as well. So, here we’ll talk about delta-8 and whether it’s actually similar to CBD.

What is Delta-8?

Delta-8 is one of many cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. However, unlike delta-9, the amounts of delta-8 found in the natural cannabis plants are very limited, so companies often resort to other methods to produce more delta-8 for the market.

This typically means taking delta-9 cannabinoids, which are much larger in number, and isolating their THC compounds. With this process, you get a final product known as delta-8.

With this in mind, the is essentially a weaker version of delta-9-THC. It has many beneficial properties similar to delta-9 but is less potent. However, because it comes from the delta-9, it still has some psychoactive features, although larger doses are required for these features to show.

People are starting to be more curious about this cannabinoid, as it could serve as a replacement for delta-9, especially for someone wanting to avoid the extreme “high” effect delta-9 is known for. Delta-8 is used both for medicinal and recreational purposes, and it can be used for treating anxiety, pain, migraine, depression, poor appetite, and many other conditions.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is another cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Like delta-9 THC, CBD is a widely popular compound used to treat various issues, conditions, and disorders. However, CBD has a different molecular structure that affects our bodies in another way.

to get the beneficial properties of delta-9-THC, but it has little to no THC content. This means that CBD isn’t mind-altering, and it can’t provide the “high” effect even if used in large doses.

CBD is used for medicinal and recreational purposes, and it has very calming effects, as it induces relaxation, sleep, and treats anxiety.

CBD is known for its other health benefits, which can treat more severe conditions. It can be used as a natural treatment for multiple sclerosis, cancer symptoms, epilepsy, schizophrenia, depression, and even some disorders like PTSD and OCD.

Furthermore, CBD is widely used by the public, and it’s legal in most countries. This makes CBD quite accessible to everyone in various forms, including skincare, drinkables, edibles, tinctures, vaporizers, and so on.

Is Delta-8 Similar to CBD?

You might’ve noticed some similarities between delta-8 and CBD, so here we’ll describe their similarities and differences in a more detailed way.

First, when it comes to the effects these two cannabinoids have, delta-8 can have more potent effects than CBD, especially in larger amounts. While it’s almost impossible to overdo it with CBD, delta-8 can get you “high,” but larger doses are necessary to achieve this effect.

While both provide soothing and calming effects great for anxiety, stress, pain, and depression, delta-8 has euphoric effects unknown to CBD. So, they can be used to treat the same conditions, but keep in mind larger doses of delta-8 will have some psychoactive effects.

Secondly, regarding their legality issue, both delta-8 and CBD are legal in most countries. Most federal laws prohibit delta-9 because it has more than 0.3% THC, but delta-8 and CBD both fit in this percentage, making them legal. However, make sure to check the laws in your state before you make any purchases.

Thirdly, what divides these similar cannabinoids are the drug test results. As CBD has an entirely different molecular structure, it won’t show on the basic drug tests, while delta-8 might. As previously mentioned, delta-8 comes from a delta-9 isolate, so some tests aren’t advanced enough to distinguish between delta-8 and delta-9-THC.


All in all, delta-8 and CBD provide almost the same results to our body and mind, but they have different ways of achieving them. Other than that, it can be said CBD and delta-8 are similar to an extent.

Because of that, you might find one or the other more suitable for your needs, although you should keep in mind that delta-8 will have more substantial euphoric effects, which can also result in a failed drug test. 

Of course, the most important thing is to be informed, so be sure to continue your online search and find out more about this topic.